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stone floor

Pre Made Album Cover Suva Gray Wine glass shatters on a stone floor, red splatters stark against the cold gray surface, reflecting fleeting moments of passion, now faded to sadness.

Suva Gray #23844

Wine glass shatters on a stone floor, red splatters stark against the cold gray surface, reflecting fleeting moments of passion, now faded to sadness.
Pre Made Album Cover Ship Gray the shadow of a woman's legs on a stone floor

Ship Gray #4947

the shadow of a woman's legs on a stone floor
Pre Made Album Cover Cinder A dark, eerie cave with glowing red chained skulls and a central floating eye illuminated by an intense blue light in the background.

Cinder #16521

A dark, eerie cave with glowing red chained skulls and a central floating eye illuminated by an intense blue light in the background.
Pre Made Album Cover Shark A grand, dimly-lit hall with high archways, beams of sunlight streaming through windows, and ornate columns.

Shark #16476

A grand, dimly-lit hall with high archways, beams of sunlight streaming through windows, and ornate columns.